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Authors reports on their articles in Brain Impairment

Does transcranial direct current stimulation affect selective visual attention in children with left-sided infantile hemiplegia?
A randomized, controlled pilot study

Raed A. Alharbi, Saleb A. Aloyuni, Faizan Kashoo, Mohamed I. Waly, Harpreet singh and Mehrunnisha Ahmad

Transcranial direct current stimulation  infantile hemiplegia  attention deficit

Article Summary
The attention span among children with brain injury can be improved with transcranial direct current stimulation.

Photo of Faizan Kashoo

Developing an evidence-based reading intervention for early brain injury rehabilitation

Kerrin Watter, Anna Copley and Emma Finch

Cognitive communication  intervention development  reading comprehension

Article Summary
The paper details a process that enables clinical researchers to combine a variety of findings and levels of evidence to inform novel intervention development. Specifically, the ‘pragmatic clinical framework’ combines traditional research findings, EBP models and clinical practice guidelines, knowledge translation and implementation science principles, and models of models of intervention development to guide the development an evidence-based contextual clinical intervention and service delivery model. This process may be particularly helpful for areas of emerging practice / those with a limited evidence base. A worked example (development of a reading comprehension intervention for cognitive communication disorders) is presented.
Photo of Anna, Kerrin and Emma

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Other links that relate to the broader research project (and that this work underpins)
Research into early intervention for Brain Injury proving successful at PAH | Metro South Health

A co-design approach to examine and develop pathways to open employment for people with acquired brain injury

Em Bould and Libby Callaway

Acquired brain injury  co-design  enablers and barriers  economic participation  employment pathway

Article Summary

People with severe Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) experience low employment rates, compared to both the national average and others with disability in Australia. To address these low rates, a co-design approach was used to gather knowledge about enablers and barriers to employment of people with ABI, as well as practical strategies to facilitate workplace diversity and inclusion. These were used to guide the development of a new pathway to mainstream employment, called ‘Employment CoLab’.

Photo of Em Bould and Libby Callaway


'We struggle and muddle.' A qualitative study exploring community ABI therapists' experiences of using, training in, and implementing behaviour interventions

Jai Jason Carmichael, Amelia J. Hicks, Kate Rachel Gould, Timothy J. Feeney, Penelope Analytis, Jennie Louise Ponsford

acquired brain injury  challenging behaviours  training  implementation  Positive Behaviour Support

Article Summary
The current level of community behaviour support provided to individuals with ABI is limited, and some therapists report low confidence in this area. Our interviews with 24 community ABI therapists identified barriers to using/training in/implementing behaviour interventions. These related to limited training, the symptoms of ABI, engaging the individual's support network, practice needs, and practical resources. We believe that Positive Behaviour Support is well matched to address these barriers, however therapists' understanding of this approach was variable. Our findings will directly inform the clinical translation phase of a Positive Behaviour Support intervention for ABI, being coordinated by Dr Kate Gould (@THINKFULLY_).

Photo of Jai Jason Carmichael

This qualitative work was accompanied by a quantitative survey of 136 community ABI therapists, which in combination have aided us to understand therapists' preferences for using/training in/implementing behaviour interventions

A description of the Positive Behaviour Support intervention for ABI, which is being evaluated through RCT, has also been published, including three illustrative case studies